This post will consist of a couple of things since I have some catching up to do on this blog:)
Brantley and I love reading together and we try to do it at least once everyday. I am usually the one holding the book while we read, but recently I have starteed giving her some books that I know she won't destroy so that she can practice opening and closing the book and turning the pages. Though I know she loves our reading time together, I think she is most interested right now in how they taste and feel on her gums.
I LOVE when my mom comes to visit or we get to go to her house. We have so much fun together. This past weekend she came in town to go with Brantley and me to the local country fair. Eric stayed home to have new internet and cable installed. All in all, everyone in our house was excited on Saturday. I had looked forward to going to the fair with my mom and Brantley ever since I knew it was going to be taking place. We got up early on Saturday, packed all of our stuff, and headed out early to get a good parking spot. Well guess what? It rained!!! We sat in the car for a while and prayed for it to stop. It did.....for like 2 minutes. During the 2 minutes it stopped we were able to get out of the car and B into her stroller. We got about 20 yards away from the car and it started raining again. We toughed it out for about 10 minutes, but I started feeling like a bad mommy when it started to rain and I looked down only to see my child getting drenched, but with a smile on her face as she played in the water that was collecting in her stroller. She was loving it! We packed up and headed home. B took a 3 hour nap and then we headed back out to do what we do best....SHOP! We had the best time, the 3 of us girls:) Later that evening my mom and I were watching a decorating show on t.v. which gave us the best idea...let's redecorate and rearrange the den. So, we stayed up until 1am rearranging and redecorating the den. The best part was it didn't take any money. We just simply moved around things that we already had. I do have the itch to repaint a portion of my kitchen, so that is on the list of things to do in the next couple of weeks. I LOVE YOU MOM!
Brantley crawls everywhere now and is pretty stinkin fast at it too! She recently has started pulling up on EVERYTHING!!! We are constantly moving things out of her way that might harm her. She has also become quite the little helper. She loves standing at the dishwasher while I unload the dishes.
Until next time.....
How to Restore Worn Wood Furniture {NO Sanding or Painting!}
36 minutes ago