Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bittersweet visit home/B is 12 Weeks old

This past Tuesday night my Grandfather went home to be with the Lord.  I knew a lot about my Grandfather and the many things that he had accomplished throughout his life, but I never knew until this past week the number of lives that he touched. We had the visitation on Friday night and it was amazing the amount of people that flooded the church to visit my family. I was able to hear stories of how he had touched their lives in one way or another and it made me even more grateful to call him MY Grandpa. My Grandpa was a WWII veteran and each year on Veteran's Day I would read the book, America's White Table with my students in honor of him. Now that I am not teaching I look forward to reading this book with Brantley each year and telling her stories about her amazing Great Grandpa.
While our family was home it was great to catch up with everyone and give them some time to spend with Brantley.

Brantley with her Great Grandma

Brantley with her Papa and Mommy*
(Side note:Yes, my hair is brown! We are having to cut back on somethings now that I am staying home and getting my hair highlighted every 8 weeks is one of those things that needed to go. We are back to all natural:)

Sweet Brantley at 12 weeks old!
( I could eat her up with a spoon.)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Brantley's Talented Mouth

Over the past couple of days I have noticed just how talented my daughter is with her mouth. Let me share a couple of her talents with you.
Out of this sweet mouth come the sounds of happiness when she plays with her daddy and the sounds of frustration when she is tired, hungry, or wet.
Out of this mouth come the most adorable spit bubbles that she forms.
Out of this mouth come the cutest noises as she talks to herself and her animals.
With this mouth she forms the most precious smiles.
But, I must say that her most recent accomplishment is what goes IN HER MOUTH.........her thumb!!!!!
Yes, our sweet little girl has discovered her thumb and loves it. Eric and I aren't crazy about it, but of course we thing it is precious. We are constantly going in her room to take it out and replace it with a pacifier. I wish she didn't have to take either, but I would prefer the pacifier because one day I can take that away. I can't ever take away her thumb.

I thought I would share some of the pictures that I took yesterday of Brantley and her new talent.

I stuck this one in there because I think she looks absolutely adorable! 

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Walking at Riverfront

My mom came to visit on Friday so we decided to take a nice 5 mile walk at Riverfront. Brantley loved being able to be outside and look at all of the new things. We all had a great time and it was wonderful weather.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Brantley's 2 month photo shoot:)

Our friends, Charlie and Suzanne, came over on Saturday and we had Brantley's 2 month photo shoot. We had a lot of fun! At least for the first 45 minutes when Brantley was easy going and happy. After that she had enough smiling, rattling of the doll, and bright lights flashing. I wanted to share just a few of the 200 pictures that were taken. Enjoy looking at our sweet bundle of joy!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Brantley's First Day at Church

Brantley's first day at church was this past Sunday. We waited to take her to church after she received her shots. So that we could ease her and myself into leaving her, we only went to Sunday School. The FANTASTIC nursery workers said that she did marvelous and did not even cry a bit. When I went to pick her up she was as happy as ever laying in a crib smiling and talking to herself. Now, I am not saying this here mom doesn't still have some fears of leaving her and the possibility of her getting sick, but it sure does make it easier when you know that your church is cleaned so well and there are so many incredible people to take care of your child. I left her again for a little while this week as I went to a mommy group and it was much easier the second time to leave her for a little while. I am starting to realize the importance of "me time" and how it makes me a better wife and mom.
Speaking of being a wife... my hubby and I are going to be enjoying our first "date night" as parents this weekend. Brantley's Godmother, Dawn, is coming over to watch Brantley. Eric and I are really looking forward to our date night and have been talking about where we want to go eat for the past week.
I have included some pictures of Brantley's first Sunday at church. Not only was it a special day for Brantley, but it was also her Aunt Kristin's birthday. Kristin is one of my best friends and I am so glad that Brantley got to share in her exciting day.

Brantley and her Aunt Kristin

Brantley Renee all ready for her first day at church. 

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Brantley Week by Week! 10 Weeks OLD!

So our little precious one is now 10 weeks old. Time truly is flying by in a way we have never known before. It seems like yesterday she came into our lives and it has been 10 weeks already! Enjoy!

1 Week Old!

10 Weeks Old!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Shopping in Charlotte/ 2 Month Check-Up

Brantley, my mom, and I set out on an adventure to Charlotte for the weekend to do some early Christmas shopping. I was a little nervous about how she would do, but she surprised me. She did really well in the car on the way up there and even slept through the night in a new place and somewhere other than her crib. Our shopping day she did well considering that she was in a stroller pretty much all day unless being fed. She had a hard time taking naps because of all the new noises and fun lights to look at. This resulted in some fussyness towards the end of the day, but we were pretty much ready to head out at that time, so we packed her in the car and she quickly fell alseep until about 15 minutes left of the trip and she let us know that she had had enough of the car seat and was ready to be in her own crib stretching out. There are a few things that I found out about myself on this trip....
1. No matter how old I am, I will ALWAYS need my mother. She was so patient with me and such a great example of the mother that I want to be.
2. I hate changing Brantley in public restrooms. I know that there are going to be times that I have to do it, but whenever I can help it, I am going to avoid them at all costs.
3. I get really embarrassed when my child is screaming her head off in a quiet bookstore. I can laugh about it now!
4. I am certainly not ready to go on big outings by myself!
We had a great time together and we are all looking forward to our next "Girl's weekend"!

                                                   Brantley chilling out in the hotel room.

                   Brantley and I setting out for some shopping. My mom made Brantley her first purse!

Me, my mom, and Brantley
                                                       Brantley taking a little pitt stop:)

Brantley is continuing to grow up right before my very eyes. I can't believe how much she has grown in only 9 weeks. We went for her check up yesterday and this was the check-up that I was dreading because I knew that she was going to have to get 4 shots. Ouch! Thankfully Eric is our hero and he was able to hold her while she got her shots and screamed and I stood behind him with tears in my eyes. I had to remind myself the whole time that it was good for her and I would rather endure a few minutes of crying than a sick child.
Miss Brantley is a healthy, growing, little girl and her numbers are here to show it:
Length: 23 1/4 in. (93%)
Weight: 13.4 lbs. (97%)
She is now eating every 3 hours/6 times a day. She sleeps about 9 hours at night.
This Sunday will be the first Sunday that we take her to church with us and leave her in the nursery. I am a little nervous and excited. I am nervous about leaving her in the care of someone else that I don't know and I am nervous about her possibly getting sick.
I am excited about being back in the routine of going to church as a family. I know that she will be well taken care of and loved beyond measure!

Brantley Renee Soong- 9 weeks old